Book Review Synopsis the Man in the High Castle

1962 novel by Philip K. Dick

The Man in the High Castle
Man in the High Castle (1st Edition).png

Embrace of first edition (hardcover)

Writer Philip One thousand. Dick
Country United States
Language English language
Genre culling history, science fiction, philosophical fiction
Publisher Putnam

Publication date

October 1962
Media type Print (hardcover & paperback)
Pages 240
OCLC 145507009

Dewey Decimal


The Homo in the Loftier Castle (1962), past Philip Grand. Dick, is an culling history novel wherein the Axis Powers won Globe War Ii. The story occurs in 1962, fifteen years after the end of the war in 1947, and depicts the political intrigues between Majestic Nippon and Nazi Germany every bit they rule the partitioned United States. The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a novel-inside-the-novel which is an culling history of the state of war in which the Allies defeat the Centrality.

Dick'southward thematic inspirations include the culling history of the American Civil War, Bring the Jubilee (1953), by Ward Moore, and the I Ching, a Chinese book of divination that features in the story and the actions of the characters. The Homo in the High Castle won the Hugo Honor for Best Novel in 1963, and was adjusted to television set as The Human in the High Castle in 2015.

Synopses [edit]

Background [edit]

In The Man in the High Castle alternative history, Giuseppe Zangara assassinated President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1933, resulting in the continuation of the Corking Low and the policy of United States non-interventionism at the start of World War II in 1939. Therefore, American inaction allowed Nazi Germany to conquer and annex continental Europe and the Soviet Marriage into the Greater Germanic Reich. The exterminations of the Jews, the Romani people, the Slavs, homosexuals, and all other peoples whom the Nazis considered subhuman ensued. The Axis powers then jointly conquered Africa. Regal Nippon expanded its colonial empire with occupations of eastern Asia and Oceania, and invaded the Westward Coast of the United States, while Nazi Germany invaded the East Declension; the surrender of the Allies ended World State of war Ii in 1947.

Past the 1960s, Imperial Nihon and Nazi Germany are the world'south superpowers, fighting a geopolitical common cold state of war over the onetime United States. Japan extended the Greater Eastern asia Co-Prosperity Sphere with the institution of the Pacific States of America (PSA), with the politically neutral Rocky Mountain States acting as a buffer with the Nazi states to the east. Nazi Northward America is composed of two countries: (i) The South, which is ruled past a collaborationist pro–Nazi puppet regime; and (2) the north, which is the United states of America, ruled by a Nazi armed services governor. Moreover, Canada remains an independent country, despite having been ane of the anti-Nazi Allies in the lost war.

The aged Hitler is incapacitated past tertiary syphilis, Martin Bormann is the acting Chancellor of Germany, and the inner-circumvolve Nazis — Joseph Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Hermann Göring, Arthur Seyss-Inquart — vie to succeed Hitler as the Führer of the Greater Germanic Reich. Technologically, the Nazis have drained the Mediterranean Sea for lebensraum and farmland, adult and used the hydrogen bomb, developed rockets for travelling throughout the world and into outer space, such as the colonization missions to the Moon, and to the planets Venus and Mars.

Plot [edit]

The principal setting of The Man in the High Castle is the city of San Francisco in the Pacific States of America, where Japanese judicial racism has enslaved blackness people and reduced the Chinese residents to 2d-form citizens; secondary settings are in the Rocky Mountain States. In 1962, 15 years later Regal Japan and Nazi Federal republic of germany won World War 2, in the Pacific States of America, the businessman Robert Childan owns an antiques shop that specializes in Americana for a Japanese clientele who fetishize cultural artifacts of the former U.s.. One day, Childan receives a request from Nobusuke Tagomi, a high-ranking trade official, who seeks a souvenir to impress a Swedish industrialist named Baynes. In fact, Childan can readily fulfil Tagomi's request considering the shop is well-stocked with counterfeit antiques made by the metallic works Wyndam-Matson Corporation.

Recently fired from his chore at a Wyndam-Matson factory in San Francisco, Frank Frink (formerly Fink) is a secret Jew and war veteran who agrees to join a sometime co-worker to start a business organisation making and selling jewelry. Meanwhile, in the Rocky Mountain States, Frank's ex-wife, Juliana Frink, works equally a judo instructress in Canon City, Colorado, and, in her private life, has entered a sexual relationship with Joe Cinnadella, an Italian truck driver and ex-soldier. Throughout the story, the characters brand important decisions based upon their interpretations of prophetic messages from the I Ching, a Chinese book of divination. Some characters also secretly read The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, a novel of speculative fiction that presents an alternative history of World War II, wherein the Allies defeat the Centrality. The Nazis ban the novel in the United States, simply the Japanese allow its publication and sale in the Pacific States of America.

In The Human being in the High Castle (1962) Royal Nippon and Nazi Deutschland have partitioned the continental United States (the borders of the four parts are not as exactly described in the novel as in this analogy)

 Pacific States of America

 Rocky Mountain States

 United States of America

 The Southward

Threatening to betrayal the Wyndam-Matson Corporation's supplying counterfeit antiques to Childan, Frink blackmails Wyndam-Matson for coin to finance his jewelry business. Tagomi and Baynes run into, but Baynes repeatedly delays conducting any real business considering he awaits a third party from Nihon. Of a sudden, the Nazi news media inform the public of the death of the Chancellor of Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, after a short illness. Childan takes some of Frink'southward "authentic metalwork" jewelry on consignment, to curry favor with a Japanese customer, who, to Childan's surprise, says that the jewelry possesses much Wu, spiritual awareness. Juliana and Joe travel by road to Denver, Colorado, but en route Joe impulsively decides that they have a side trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming, to meet Hawthorne Abendsen, the mysterious author of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy; supposedly, Abendsen lives in a guarded manor named the High Castle. Suddenly, the Nazi news media inform the public that Joseph Goebbels is the new Chancellor of Nazi Germany.

After much delay, Baynes and Tagomi encounter their Japanese contact, while the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the Nazi security service, is close to arresting Baynes because he really is Rudolf Wegener, a Nazi defector. Baynes warns his contact, a Japanese full general, of the existence of Operation Dandelion, a plan of Goebbels for a Nazi sneak attack upon the Japanese Home Islands, with the goal of definitively destroying the Empire of Japan. Frink is exposed as a crypto-Jew and arrested by the San Francisco police. Elsewhere, two SD agents confront Baynes and Tagomi, who uses his antique American pistol to kill both agents. In Colorado, Joe abruptly changes his advent and mannerisms before the side trip to the Loftier Castle in Wyoming; Juliana infers that Joe intends to assassinate Abendsen. Joe reveals himself to be a Swiss Nazi when he confirms his intention; Juliana mortally wounds Joe and goes to warn Abendsen.

Wegener flies dorsum to Federal republic of germany and learns that Reinhard Heydrich (a fellow member of the faction against Performance Dandelion) has launched a insurrection d'état confronting Goebbels, to install himself as Chancellor of Nazi Germany. Tagomi is emotionally shaken past having killed the SD agents and later goes to the antiques store to sell back the pistol to Childan; instead, sensing the spiritual free energy from ane of Frink'southward jewelry creations, Tagomi impulsively buys the jewelry. Tagomi then undergoes an intense spiritual feel during which he momentarily perceives an culling version of San Francisco, evidenced by the Embarcadero pike, which Tagomi has never seen and by the fact that white people exercise not defer to Japanese people.

Tagomi after meets with the German consul in San Francisco and compels the Germans to free Frink, whom Tagomi has never met, by refusing to sign the order of extradition to Nazi Germany. Juliana has a spiritual experience when she arrives in Cheyenne. She discovers that Abendsen lives with his family in a normal business firm, having abandoned the Loftier Castle considering of a changed outlook on life; thus the possibility of beingness assassinated no longer worries him. After evading Juliana's questions about his literary inspiration, Abendsen says that he used the I Ching to guide his writing of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy. Before leaving, Juliana infers so that Truth wrote the novel to reveal the Inner Truth that Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany did lose Globe War II in 1945.

The Grasshopper Lies Heavy [edit]

Several characters in The Human being in the High Castle read the popular novel The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, by Hawthorne Abendsen, which title the readers presume derives from The Bible verse fragment: "The grasshopper shall exist a burden" (Ecclesiastes 12:5). As an alternative history of the Second World War, wherein the Allies defeat the Axis Powers, the Nazi authorities bans The Grasshopper Lies Heavy in the South, whereas the Pacific States of America do let the publication and auction of the Abensen's counterfactual novel.[1] : 91

The Grasshopper Lies Heavy postulates that President Roosevelt survives the 1933 assassination endeavor merely choses not to seek re-election in 1940. The next president, Rexford Tugwell, moves the American Pacific Fleet from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, saving it from attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy, which ensures that the state is meliorate equipped to fight the war.[1] : 70 Having retained most of their armed services-industrial capabilities, the Uk contributes more than to the Allied state of war effort, which facilitates the defeat of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in the North African Entrada. The British fight the Centrality armies through the Caucasus to bring together the Soviet Union and defeat the Nazis in the Boxing of Stalingrad; the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Hungary each renege their membership in the Centrality and betray the Nazis; the British Army joins the Cerise Army in the Battle of Berlin, the decisive defeat of Nazi Deutschland. At war's end in 1945, Hitler and the Nazi leaders are tried equally state of war criminals and are put to death.[1] : 131

Subsequently the war, Tugwell promulgates the New Deal for the countries of the world, which finances a decade of rebuilding in Mainland china and the didactics of illiterate peoples in the undeveloped countries of Africa and Asia, who receive television receiver sets past which they are taught to read and write, are instructed in excavation wells and in purifying water. The New Deal fiscal assistance facilitates American businesses building factories in the undeveloped countries of Asia and Africa. American society is peaceful and harmonious and is at peace with the other countries of the world; the war ends the Soviet Union. X years after the state of war, yet headed by Winston Churchill, the British Empire becomes militaristic, anti-American and establishes prison house camps in India for Chinese subjects considered disloyal. Suspecting that the United States is sponsoring the anti-colonial subversion of British colonial rule in Asia, Churchill provokes a cold war for global hegemony; the geopolitical rivalry leads to an Anglo–American state of war won past the United kingdom.[1] : 169–172

Inspirations [edit]

The novelist Philip Thousand. Dick said that he imagined the story of The Man in the High Castle (1962) from his reading of the novel Bring the Jubilee (1953), by Ward Moore, which is an culling history of the U.S. civil war won past the Confederacy. In the acknowledgements page of The Man in the High Castle, Dick mentions the thematic influences of the pop history The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (1960), by William L. Shirer; the biography Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (1952), by Alan Bullock; The Goebbels Diaries (1948); Foxes of the Desert (1960), by Paul Carrell; and the 1950 translation of the I Ching, by Richard Wilhelm.[two] [ane] Every bit a novelist, P. K. Dick used the I Ching to craft the themes, plot and story of The Man in the High Castle, whose characters also use the I Ching to inform and guide their decisions.[2]

Dick cites the thematic influences of Japanese and Tibetan poetry upon the narrative of The Man in the High Castle; (i) The haiku in folio 48 of the novel is from the offset volume of the Album of Japanese Literature (1955), edited by Donald Keene; (ii) the waka poem in folio 135 is from Zen and Japanese Culture (1955), by D. T. Suzuki and (three) the Tibetan volume of the dead, the Bardo Thodol (1960), edited by Walter Evans-Wentz and mentions the sociologic influences of the expressionist novella Miss Lonelyhearts (1933), by Nathanael Due west, in which an unhappy paper reporter pseudonymously writes the "Miss Lonelyhearts" advice column, through which he dispenses advice to emotionally forlorn readers during the Great Depression. Despite his job as Miss Lonelyhearts, the reporter seeks alleviation in religion, sexual promiscuity, rural vacations and much work; no activity provides him with a sense of personal authenticity derived from his intellectual and emotional engagement with the globe.[1] : 118

Reception [edit]

Avram Davidson praised the novel as a "superior piece of work of fiction", citing Dick'south use of the I Ching as "fascinating". Davidson concluded that "It's all here—extrapolation, suspense, action, art, philosophy, plot, [and] character".[3] The Man in the High Castle secured for Dick the 1963 Hugo Award for Best Novel.[4] [5] [vi] In a review of a paperback reprint of the novel, Robert Silverberg wrote in Amazing Stories magazine, "Dick's prose crackles with excitement, his characters are vividly real, his plot is stunning".[7]

In The Religion of Science Fiction, Frederick A. Kreuziger explores the theory of history unsaid by Dick's cosmos of the two alternative realities

Neither of the two worlds, however, the revised version of the outcome of WWII nor the fictional account of our present world, is anywhere near like to the world we are familiar with. But they could exist! This is what the book is nigh. The book argues that this world, described twice, although differently each time, is exactly the earth nosotros know and are familiar with. Indeed, it is the only globe nosotros know: the world of chance, luck, fate.[8]

A merchandise paperback edition of the novel was published in 1992 by Vintage Books.[9]

Adaptations [edit]

Audiobook [edit]

An unabridged The Man in the High Castle audiobook, read by George Guidall and running approximately nine.5 hours over seven audio cassettes, was released in 1997.[10] Another unabridged audiobook version was released in 2008 by Blackstone Audio, read by Tom Wyner (credited as Tom Weiner) and running approximately eight.5 hours over seven CDs.[11] [12] A third unabridged audiobook recording was released in 2014 by Brilliance Audio, read by Jeff Cummings with a running time of 9 hours 58 minutes.[13]

Tv set [edit]

After a number of attempts to adapt the book to the screen, in October 2014, Amazon's film production unit began filming the pilot episode of The Man in the High Castle in Roslyn, Washington, for release through the Amazon Prime number Web video streaming service.[14] [fifteen] The airplane pilot episode was released past Amazon Studios on January 15, 2015,[sixteen] [17] and was Amazon'south "most watched pilot e'er" according to Amazon Studios' vice president, Roy Price.[18] On February 18, 2015, Amazon light-green-lit the series.[19] The show became available for streaming on November 20, 2015.[20]

Incomplete sequel [edit]

In a 1976 interview, Dick said he planned to write a sequel novel to The Human in the High Castle: "Then at that place's no real ending on it. I similar to regard information technology as an open up ending. It will segue into a sequel sometime."[21] Dick said that he had "started several times to write a sequel" but progressed little, considering he was too disturbed by his original research for The Man in the High Castle and could non mentally conduct "to get back and read about Nazis again".[22] He suggested that the sequel would be a collaboration with another author:

Somebody would take to come in and aid me do a sequel to information technology. Someone who had the stomach for the stamina to retrieve along those lines, to become into the head; if you're going to start writing about Reinhard Heydrich, for case, y'all have to become into his face. Can you imagine getting into Reinhard Heydrich's face up?[22]

Two capacity of the proposed sequel were published in The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick, a collection of his essays and other writings.[23] Eventually, Dick admitted that the proposed sequel became an unrelated novel, The Ganymede Takeover, co-written with Ray Nelson (known for writing the short story filmed as They Live).

Dick's novel Radio Free Albemuth is rumored to have started as a sequel to The Man in the High Castle.[24] Dick described the plot of this early version of Radio Costless Albemuth—so titled VALISystem A—writing:

... a divine and loving ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence] ... help[s] Hawthorne Abendsen, the protagonist-author in [The Homo in the High Castle], continue on in his difficult life later the Nazi secret police finally got to him ... VALISystem A, located in deep infinite, sees to it that nil can prevent Abendsen from finishing his novel.[24]

The novel eventually became a new story unrelated to The Human being in the Loftier Castle.[24] Dick ultimately abandoned the Albemuth book, unpublished during his lifetime, though portions were salvaged and used for 1981'due south VALIS.[24] Radio Gratis Albemuth was published in 1985, iii years after Dick'due south death.[25]

See as well [edit]

  • Fatherland (novel)
  • Hypothetical Axis victory in Earth War II
  • Simulated reality in fiction

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d eastward f Dick, Philip K. (2011). The Human being in the High Castle (1st Mariner Books ed.). Boston: Mariner Books. pp. ix–ten. ISBN978-0-547-60120-five . Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  2. ^ a b Cover, Arthur Byron (Feb 1974). "Interview with Philip K. Dick". Vertex. 1 (6). Retrieved July 23, 2014.
  3. ^ Davidson, Avram (June 1963). "Books". The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: 61.
  4. ^ "Philip M. Dick, Won Awards For Science-Fiction Works". The New York Times. March iii, 1982. Retrieved March 30, 2010.
  5. ^ "1963 Accolade Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End . Retrieved September 27, 2009.
  6. ^ Wyatt, Fred (Nov 7, 1963). "A Brisk Bathrobe Canter At Cry Of 'Fire!' Stirs Claret". I-J Reporter'due south Notebook. Daily Contained Journal. San Rafael, California. Retrieved October 25, 2015 – via Belatedly I learned that Philip Chiliad. Dick of Point Reyes Station won the Hugo, the 21st World Science Fiction Convention Annual Accomplishment Accolade for the all-time novel of 1962.
  7. ^ Silverberg, Robert (June 1964). "The Spectroscope". Amazing Stories. 38 (6): 124. Retrieved January 30, 2021.
  8. ^ Kreuziger, Frederick A. (1986). In The Organized religion of Science Fiction . Popular Press. p. 82. ISBN9780879723675 . Retrieved July 27, 2016. man in the high castle cynical.
  9. ^ Staff (July 26, 1992). "New in Paperback". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on January two, 2016. Retrieved October 25, 2015 – via HighBeam Research.
  10. ^ Willis, Jesse (May 29, 2003). "Review of The Human being In The High Castle by Philip Grand. Dick". SFFaudio. Retrieved December x, 2015.
  11. ^ "The Man in the High Castle". Archived from the original on August nine, 2010. Retrieved January 10, 2016.
  12. ^ 50.B. "Audiobook review: The Human in the Loftier Castle by Philip G. Dick, read by Tom Weiner". Retrieved January 10, 2016.
  13. ^ The Man in the Loftier Castle. Audible, Inc.
  14. ^ Muir, Pat (October 5, 2014). "Roslyn hopes new Tv set show brings fifteen more than minutes of fame". Yakima Herald . Retrieved March 28, 2017.
  15. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (July 24, 2014). "Amazon Studios Adds Drama 'The Man In The Loftier Castle', One-act 'But Add together Magic' To Pilot Slate". Borderline . Retrieved January 10, 2016.
  16. ^ "The Man in the High Castle: Season 1, Episode 1". Retrieved Jan 17, 2015.
  17. ^ "The Man in the Loftier Castle". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved January eighteen, 2015.
  18. ^ Lewis, Hilary (February eighteen, 2015). "Amazon Orders 5 New Series Including 'Human being in the Loftier Castle'". The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved December x, 2015.
  19. ^ Robertson, Adi (February eighteen, 2015). "Amazon green-lights The Homo in the High Castle Tv set series". The Verge . Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  20. ^ Moylan, Brian (November 18, 2015). "Does The Man in the High Castle prove that the best TV is now streamed?". The Guardian . Retrieved December x, 2015.
  21. ^ "60 minutes 25: A Talk With Philip One thousand. Dick « Philip K. Dick Fan Site". June 26, 1976. Retrieved Dec 10, 2015.
  22. ^ a b RC, Lord (2006). Pink Beam: A Philip K. Dick Companion (1st ed.). Ward, Colorado: Ganymedean Slime Mold Pubs. p. 106. ISBN9781430324379 . Retrieved Dec 10, 2015. [ self-published source ]
  23. ^ Dick, Philip Grand. (1995). "Part iii. Works Related to 'The Man in the High Castle' and its Proposed Sequel". In Sutin, Lawrence (ed.). The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings. New York: Vintage. ISBN0-679-74787-7.
  24. ^ a b c d Pfarrer, Tony. "A Possible Man in the Loftier Castle Sequel?". Willis E. Howard, Three Dwelling house Page. Archived from the original on August 19, 2008. Retrieved July 22, 2015.
  25. ^ LC Online Catalog — Detail Information (Full Record). 1985. ISBN9780877957621 . Retrieved Dec ten, 2015.

Further reading [edit]

  • Brown, William Lansing. 2006. "alternative Histories: Power, Politics, and Paranoia in Philip Roth's The Plot confronting America and Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle", The Image of Power in Literature, Media, and Lodge: Selected Papers, 2006 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery. Wright, Will; Kaplan, Steven (eds.); Pueblo, CO: Society for the Interdisciplinary Report of Social Imagery, Colorado State University-Pueblo; pp. 107–11.
  • Campbell, Laura East. 1992. "Dickian Time in The Man in the Loftier Castle", Extrapolation, 33: iii, pp. 190–201.
  • Carter, Cassie, 1995. "The Metacolonization of Dick's The Man in the High Castle: Mimicry, Parasitism and Americanism in the PSA", Science Fiction Studies #67, 22:3, pp. 333–342.
  • DiTommaso, Lorenzo, 1999. "Redemption in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the Loftier Castle", Science Fiction Studies # 77, 26:, pp. 91–119, DePauw University.
  • Fofi, Goffredo 1997. "Postfazione", Philip G. Dick, La Svastica sul Sole, Roma, Fanucci, pp. 391–5.
  • Hayles, North. Katherine 1983. "Metaphysics and Metafiction in The Man in the High Castle", Philip K. Dick. Greenberg, M.H.; Olander, J.D. (eds.); New York: Taplinger, 1983, pp. 53–71.
  • Malmgren, Carl D. 1980. "Philip Dick's The Homo in the Loftier Castle and the Nature of Science Fictional Worlds", Bridges to Scientific discipline Fiction. Slusser, George Eastward.; Guffey, George R.; Rose, Mark (eds.); Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois Academy Press, pp. 120–30.
  • Mountfort, Paul 2016. "The I Ching and Philip G. Dick's The Man in the High Castle", Scientific discipline-Fiction Studies # 129, 43:, pp. 287–309.
  • Pagetti, Carlo, 2001a. "La svastica americana" [Introduction], Philip K. Dick, Fifty'uomo nell'alto castello, Roma: Fanucci, pp. 7–26.
  • Proietti, Salvatore, 1989. "The Man in The Loftier Castle: politica due east metaromanzo", Il sogno dei simulacri. Pagetti, Carlo; Viviani, Gianfranco (eds.); Milano: Nord, 1989 pp. 34–41.
  • Rieder, John 1988. "The Metafictive Earth of The Man in the High Castle: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Political Ideology", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15.two: 214-25.
  • Rossi, Umberto, 2000. "All Around the Loftier Castle: Narrative Voices and Fictional Visions in Philip One thousand. Dick'due south The Human in the Loftier Castle", Telling the Stories of America — History, Literature and the Arts — Proceedings of the 14th AISNA Biennial briefing (Pescara, 1997), Clericuzio, A.; Goldoni, Annalisa; Mariani, Andrea (eds.); Roma: Nuova Arnica, pp. 474–83.
  • Simons, John L. 1985. "The Ability of Small Things in Philip Chiliad. Dick'south The Man in the High Castle". The Rocky Mount Review of Linguistic communication and Literature, 39:4, pp. 261–75.
  • Warrick, Patricia, 1992. "The Meet of Taoism and Fascism in The Homo in the Loftier Castle", On Philip One thousand. Dick, Mullen et al. (eds.); Terre Haute and Greencastle: SF-TH Inc. 1992, pp. 27–52.

External links [edit]

  • The Man in the High Castle cover art gallery
  • The Man in the High Castle at the Net Book List
  • The Human in the High Castle at Worlds Without Stop


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